The Gita for Holistic Life









Eligibility criteria

Pass in Class 12th

Pre-requisite of the course


  • To illustrate the values from the Bhagavad Gita contributing to a holistic life: physical, psychological, social and spiritual.
  • To help students relate to the wisdom in the Gita for overcoming challenges.
  • To develop clarity, purpose and achieve goals.

  • Understand the core teachings and principles of the Gita for a holistic life.
  • Analysis of the concepts of Dharma, Karma, and Yoga.
  • Apply the teachings of the Gita in practice.
  • Develop leadership and decision-making skills.

UNIT- I Gita –Mentoring Your Life (4 hours)

  • Know Thyself- Holistic Development (Panchakosha)
  • Directing the Mind towards Dharma and Karma
  • Cultivating values for a blissful life – Yoga (Yogah karmasu kaushalam), State of Equanimity (Samattva yoga), Equipoise (Sthitapragya)

UNIT- II Self-Management (4 hours)

  • Qualities – Satvika, Rajasika and Tamasika, Good and bad conduct, (Daivi-Asuri Sampat)
  • Modes of learning–Shravana (Listening), Manana (Reflection and questioning), Nididhyasana (Assimilation of Knowledge)
  • The field of action: Family and society

UNIT- III Dilemmas of Contemporary life (4 hours)

  • Modern Day Arjuna
  • Finding Krishna - Friend, Philosopher and Guide
  • Journey to Self-Discovery

UNIT - IV Three Modes of Navigation (3 hours)

  • Action (Karmayoga)
  • Knowledge (Jnanayoga)
  • Devotion (Bhaktiyoga)

  • Observe your friend in terms of health, behaviour, nature, intelligence and happiness. Using Panchakosha theory, suggest ways to bring improvement in the required area/s.
  • Discuss in class your Dharma as a student as well as a human being.

    i. Enlist ten daily activities that would lead you achieve your Dharma.

    ii. Make a list of your activities on a given day. Classify them as conducive or obstructive in your pursuit of your dharma.

  • Conduct a SWOC analysis for yourself and enlist best five of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges. Also, suggest action plan to convert your weaknesses into strengths and to deal with the challenges in next 10-15 days.
  • Practice pranayama for 10-15 minutes daily for ten days or devote yourself to working for a selfless action for half an hour daily for ten days.

    i. Note your changes in your levels of patience, concentration and behaviour before and after the practice.

    ii. Share your experiences in an audio-visual presentation of about 5-10 minutes.

  • Make a list of the prominent qualities of your role model/friend. Classify these qualities as Sattvika, Rajasika or Tamasika.
  • Perform a role-play of Krishna-Arjuna dialogue in pairs, discussing dilemmas of contemporary life and your dharma in different situations
  • Prepare a case study of yourself as a person facing the dilemmas of ethics, values and dharmas. Suggest the best possible action plan for yourself
  • Students are required to watch documentaries and films on the subject-related topics.
  • Any other Practical/Practice as decided from time to time.

    Note: Teachers may use the following verses of the Gita to facilitate unit-wise discussions in the classroom :

    (Unit 1)

    1. Ch.2.19; 3.42

    2. Ch.2.31, 38-39, 47-48

    3. Ch.2.48, 50, 54-59

    (Unit 2)

    1. Ch.16.1-5

    2. Ch.6.3

    3. Ch.3.18-19

    All references pertain to SrimadbhagavadgitaSankaraBhasya (Hindi), Gita Press, Gorakhpur

  • Essence of the Bhagavad Gita: A contemporary Guide to Yoga, Meditation and Indian Philosophy by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, 2011, pg. 76-115, 134-49, 150-172, 173-218, 415-420, 476-500
  • SrimadbhagavadgitaSankaraBhasya (Hindi), Gita Press, Gorakhpur.
  • SrimadbhagavadgitaRahasaya: B.G. Tilak, Tilak Brothers Publication, Poona.
  • Essays in the Gita: Sri Aurobindo, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry.
  • The Gita in the Light of Modern Science: R.B.Lal, Somaiya Publication, Bombay
  • श्रीमद्भगवद् गीता (साधक हिन्दी टीका), Gita Press, Gorakhpur
  • The Bhagavadgītā Or The Song Divine (With Sanskrit Text and English Translation) Gita Press, Gorakhpur

Examination scheme and mode: Subject to directions from the Examination Branch/University of Delhi from time to time

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